Father & Son Supporting Ballard Food Bank

The work we do at Ballard Food Bank is only possible because of our generous community – including our neighbors, volunteers, donors, and local partners. We’d like to introduce two people who play an important role in this network of support: Board Member Jay Fathi and his son Peter. Jay joined the board this year and strongly believes that you should take care of those who have less than you, help and protect those in need, and fight for social justice. Since 2000, Jay has served as a Clinical Assistant Professor with the Department of Family Medicine at the UW School of Medicine. He teaches medical students, residents, and allied health professionals, providing guidance to the next generation of health leaders on the importance of community-based affordable health care services. Jay is passionate about our mission of bringing food and hope to our neighbors, especially during the uncertain times we are facing due to COVID-19.

We still have significant inequality in our society, on many levels, and with COVID, those inequalities are really coming under the spotlight even more. Healthy food, and all of the other services we offer at the Food Bank such as resources for housing, financial assistance, and healthcare are just absolutely critical right now, for even more of our neighbors.
— Jay Fathi, Board Member

Jay and his wife Joelle have shared their values around social justice and community building with their teenage sons. We’re lucky to have Peter volunteering as a driver for our Home Delivery Program. He saw a major shift in his school schedule due to COVID-19 and knew there was more he could be doing to support our community during this time of unpredictability. But Peter’s interest in volunteering started early.

I chose to volunteer because of my grandfather’s work in the University District Food Bank. He inspired me from the age of five to get involved with the Food Bank. Since then I have occasionally organized small food drives and volunteered at the University District Food Bank.
— Peter Fathi, Volunteer

While volunteering at Ballard Food Bank, Peter has really enjoyed the people he gets to encounter. The staff, volunteers, and clients are wonderful, and it makes his day being able interact and work alongside them. 

Help us thank Jay and Peter for their contributions to our community!

Peter Fathi and his father Jay Fathi, Board Member

Peter Fathi and his father Jay Fathi, Board Member


Ballard Food Bank