Board Member Spotlight: Nina Lindsey

Nina Lindsey, Board Member

Nina Lindsey, Board Member

Nina Lindsey is a new Director on the board having joined around a month and a half ago in June. She works at Amazon as a Global Training Coordinator for Fraud Prevention. She got involved with the Ballard Food Bank after receiving an email from a “fellow Amazonian” who was informing Amazon workers from the Ballard area that the food bank was looking to add to their board. The Amazon worker who sent out the email works in the department at Amazon that focuses on community involvement.

“The idea is kind of to bridge that gap because there are so many tech employees moving into Seattle, so we make up the neighborhoods now and I think it's fair that we contribute and give back to it,” Lindsey said of involving Amazon workers with the food bank and other aspects of the community.

Nina Lindsey may be new to the Ballard Food Bank, but she is no stranger to volunteering.

“I’ve always been involved in volunteer activities. I’ve worked with kids with disabilities even at Amazon, I’ve helped organize volunteering at the food bank in Pike Place Market. It’s just something that has always been important to me and for my family. My mom was always getting involved in community efforts so it’s really something that I grew up with. I kind of made a promise to myself after I was done with school and multitasking with homework and multiple jobs that whenever I had the opportunity that I would make a conscious effort to get more involved. So when that email came through it all seemed to align.”

While Lindsey is still getting used to her role as board member, her work with Amazon will help her with future projects she takes on at Ballard Food Bank. “Part of my role with Amazon is coordinating training sessions and events and that type of thing globally across our teams at multiple sites, so I think that having that ability to organize and align a group of people on a specific focus is always useful with this type of thing.”

-Guest post by Adria Cooper

Adria Cooper is a communications/social media volunteer with Ballard Food Bank. A life-long Ballard resident and student at Ballard High School, she is looking forward to becoming the Features Editor of The Talisman, BHS’s student newspaper, in the 2020-2021 school year.

Ballard Food Bank