How to Donate Food and Items

In-Kind Donation9AM-3:30PM9AM-6:30PM9AM-1:30PM9AM-6:30PM

Donations are accepted at our warehouse door, accessed through our parking lot off 14th and 49th. We kindly ask that you only bring donations during the hours above, and ensure a staff member collects them. Please do not drop off food donations when we are closed.

For large-scale donations, please reach out to Food Recovery Manager, Lena at to arrange a drop-off.

We are happy to accept unexpired food items, hygiene items, brown paper bags, and heavy-duty plastic bags. We appreciate each and every donation to help our neighbors.

We are not able to accept clothing items beyond socks, hats, and gloves. Please donate clothing to another organization such as Aurora Commons, Queen Anne Helpline, or Mary’s Place.

Thank you for your support!

  • Soups and chili (including low-sodium and ready-to-eat options)

    Pasta and rice

    Canned tuna, chicken, and salmon

    Shelf-stable regular and alternative milks

    Canned vegetables, fruit, and beans

    Dried fruit and nuts

    Individual oatmeal packets

    Single-serving and full box cereals

    Side dishes (mac & cheese, ramen, Rice-A-Roni)

    Juices and water

    Sauces, condiments, and spices

    Peanut butter and jelly

    Dried beans

    Coffee and tea

  • Razors

    Laundry pods

    Bar soap



    Tampons and pads

    Cough drops

    Toilet paper


    Dish soap

    Body wash



    Shampoo and conditioner

    Incontinence pads and underwear

    Cold/flu medication

    Pain medication (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, etc.)

    Diapers and baby wipes

  • Dry and Canned Dog Food

    Dry and Canned Cat Food

    Cat Litter

    Cat and Dog Treats

    We accept open bags of pet supplies!

  • Granola bars

    Organic mac & cheese

    Individual packages of nuts or trail mix

    Single-serve instant oatmeal

    Snack size fruit cups (in their own fruit juices)

    Baby soap and shampoo

    Laundry pods

    Diapers (sizes 1-6)

    Baby food

    Baby formula

    Diaper rash cream

    Baby wipes

    Childrens' Tylenol

    Fruit & veggie pouches

    Teething snacks

Amazon wishlist

See our Amazon Wishlist for items our neighbors need!


Read our nutrition guidelines here.


  • Non-perishable, unopened cans and packages of food

  • Fresh produce from your p-patch or garden, including vegetable starts (see note)

  • Open or unopened packages of cat and dog food

  • Open or unopened hygiene items like shampoo and lotion

  • Reusable brown paper bags with handles, heavy plastic bags


  • Clothing (beyond gloves, hats, socks)

  • Items that are expired

  • Open containers of food

  • Homemade items (such as jams and jellies, baked goods)

  • Anything that requires distribution under the care of a physician

  • Empty, small medicine or vitamin bottles

  • Light plastic grocery bags

  • Cold or ice packs

Notes: Items from home gardens are welcome. If possible, we ask that you process and portion items in bags or with ties.

We welcome donations of new gloves, hats, and handwarmers when the weather is cold. Please donate other clothing items and anything in large quantities to other organizations.

Thank you!

Drop off donations with community partners