Bring Food and Hope to our Neighbors!

Hosting a food or hygiene drive for the Ballard Food Bank is a great way to support our work! We'd like to shout-out the following folks for their recent support:

  • ·Swansons Nursery donated 225 pounds of food through their Holiday Sharing Campaign.

  • North Beach Elementary School collected over 3,000 pounds of food!

  • Customers at Metropolitan Market in Magnolia raised over $10,000 during the holiday season.

Wondering what types of donations we're looking for at Ballard Food Bank? All the items below are in high demand:

  • Pasta sauce

  • Side Dishes ( Rice a Roni, mac and cheese, etc.)

  • Cereal

  • Instant Coffee

  • Toothpaste

  • Deoderant

You can always take a look at our Amazon Wish List to see what donations we need most! If you want to host your own drive, please reach out to for more details and supplies.

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Ballard Food Bank