Tribute to Evelyn Gardner

In December, we lost a dear member of the Ballard Food Bank family - Evelyn Gardner. Evelyn passed away peacefully at the age of 96. Her family shared that she moved to Seattle when she was 19 years old from Minnesota. She worked at a dime store, drove a flatbed delivering supplies to trucks and ships on Pier 91 and even became a machinist at Mamco Manufacturing. Above all else, she raised a beautiful family.

Evelyn was one of several volunteers who dedicated their time, energy and passion for their community well into their eighties and even their nineties. When I started at Ballard Food Bank, one of the many things I learned was that there was a strong and mighty cadre of octogenarians and nonagenarians that were really the heart of our mission. Evelyn, John, Thelma, Lou, Sylvia, and others were all Ballard residents that believed fully in neighbors helping neighbors.

Evelyn volunteered with Ballard Food Bank for over 20 years. She would put in a full day of work, barely taking time to sit down and take a break even at 90 years old. She always had a smile and open arms for a hug. She had a laugh that would fill your soul with love.

Susanne, a long-time volunteer shared:

“She gave of herself tirelessly to the food bank several days each week for many years. She worked hard and with compassion and expected nothing less of the rest of us.”

Cheryl, another long-time volunteer, shared:

“I can still see Evelyn refilling her carefully guarded favorite items on the “no cook” counter. She did not want anyone to go hungry or without treats."

Tim and Sharon McKenzie, supporters of the food bank, shared:

“This community, this world, is a better place because of people like Evelyn.  Her energy, determination, commitment and selflessness were, and continue to be, inspirational to us. We can’t recollect Evelyn without thinking of her bright smile, flashing blue eyes and her cheerfulness, her energy, and positive attitude. She often needed a reminder not to climb on the table or shelves to reach things in high places – such was her enthusiasm.  Evelyn could and often did work circles around folks half her age. We will continue to hold fond memories of our wonderful neighbor. Evelyn may well have been the longest serving volunteer in the history of the food bank. We write this out of true appreciation and love of a really fine woman”.

Evelyn’s passing is felt by so many. The fact is, Ballard Food Bank’s story and why we are so strong today is because of neighbors like Evelyn. Volunteers that have dedicated countless hours, days, months and even years caring for their neighbors and offering both food and hope. The contributions of our volunteers are endless, and we are grateful every day for all they do.

With Evelyn’s passing, we are missing a bright star who has graced our community with her compassion, empathy and joy.

We miss you Evelyn.

Jen and the Ballard Food Bank Team

Ballard Food Bank