Join us 9/19 for the Human Services Candidate Forum

How will different city and county council candidates ensure our communities are just and thriving? That’s a key question the Seattle Human Services Coalition and sponsor organizations - including Ballard Food Bank - will be exploring at a live forum on September 19th. Community members are invited to come together as candidates for Seattle City Council and King County Council share their views and plans around human services and social justice issues. Marcus Harrison Green will moderate this important discussion.

You can register for this free event here.

Human services organizations in our community include senior centers, youth afterschool programs, housing and shelter services, food banks, disability services, and so much more. These programs and services impact everyone in one way or another.

The Seattle Human Services Coalition brings together organizations from across these different categories for a more holistic approach to meeting the community’s needs and challenges. Ballard Food Bank’s Executive Director, Jen Muzia, is a co-chair of the coalition. Member organizations and coalitions such as the Seattle Food Committee, Meals Partnership Coalition, Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence, and Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness work together on advocacy and policy work to help ensure a just and thriving community.  

Ballard Food Bank’s Senior Manager of Community Advocacy and Outreach, Nathaniel Lyon, is on the planning committee for this event. He says this forum is somewhat unique because it includes candidates for both the city and county councils and focuses exclusively on human services. Responses to questions from the Coalition and community members should provide a deeper understanding of the candidates’ positions on these vital services, including what they plan to do to address current challenges and how they’ll collaborate with other local leaders to get those plans accomplished.

Poster for Human Services Live Candidate Forum on Tuesday, September 19 from 5:30 - 8PM at University Heights Center

We encourage our neighbors to attend the forum in person or online. A thriving community depends on making sure programs are adequately supported and that elected officials and community members are able to work together on solutions.

“Having a strong day-of showing will signal that these issues are important to the community.” – Nathaniel Lyon

If you can’t attend the forum but are looking for ways to get involved, you can read candidate responses to the Seattle Human Services Coalition survey and explore more about the coalition’s policy work and resources. And, don’t forget to vote if you’re able this November!

Ballard Food Bank