Employees Community Fund of Boeing Donates $500,000 to Help Build Our New Home

We’re excited to share that the Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound (ECF) has donated $500,000 to the Hope Beyond Hunger capital campaign. The campaign supports our new home, which is set to open in October 2021.


We are deeply grateful for this generous support. It will enable us to provide food for even more of our neighbors and prevent homelessness by connecting more people to the resources they need.

“The Employees Community Fund and its members are proud to invest in Ballard Food Bank’s new home as a part of our broader commitment to the communities where our employees live and work,” said John Fueger, ECF Chapter President. “We look forward to the even greater impact that this facility will bring to our neighbors.”

One of the largest employee-owned and managed funds of its kind in the world, the Employees Community Fund of Boeing pools employee tax-deductible donations and makes grants to local nonprofits.

This $500,000 gift from ECF comes at an important time. We are counting on the Seattle community to complete fundraising for our new home; the ECF donation leaves just $350,000 to cover all costs. There are still opportunities to donate directly to the campaign and to engage with Ballard Food Bank community members through events this June.


It has been amazing to see our community—businesses, local government, and people from all walks of life—come together to make this dream facility a reality. We are so close to getting over the finish line! We can’t wait to welcome our neighbors into our new community hub in the fall.

To learn more about our future home, please visit: https://www.ballardfoodbank.org/ournewhome

Ballard Food Bank