Donor Spotlight: Andrea Alvarado

Meet Andrea Alvarado! Alvarado is a Kindergarten teacher at Adams Elementary School who recently supported the Ballard Food Bank. Having been a resident of Ballard since 1998 and raising two boys here, Alvarado is familiar with the neighborhood.

As a kindergarten teacher she makes a difference in the world. “It is a privilege to partner with families as I teach our youngest learners. Kindergarteners have such energy and enthusiasm. I am always impressed with their thoughts and ideas. I tell the kids, ‘You are never too young to make a difference in the world!’” Alvarado said.

Andrea handing out supplies to incoming kindergarteners in August

Andrea handing out supplies to incoming kindergarteners in August

Alvarado has most recently supported the Ballard community by participating in Renata Steiner’s Covid Photo Project. Steiner offered family portraits in exchange for donations to the Ballard Food Bank. Alvarado heard about it from her neighbor and thought it was a great idea.

“It was a win-win for us,” Alvardo said. “There are so many ways that people can support the community. The Ballard Food Bank is one of those important ways; especially during times like these, when the need is so great. I never want anyone to go hungry so supporting this organization that serves thousands of people is a priority,” she continued.

Even though she has always been involved in the community and has recognized its importance, recently she has renewed that belief: “With all that is going on in our world, it has reminded me how fortunate we are to live in a neighborhood where we look out for one another.” Not only did Alvarado personally donate, she wants to get the word out about donating: “Check out the Ballard Food Bank website to see all of the services they provide in our community! Donate!”

Thank you Andrea Alvarado for your donation and for your support of the Ballard Food Bank!

Andrea and her family, photographed by Renata Steiner for the Covid Photo Project.

Andrea and her family, photographed by Renata Steiner for the Covid Photo Project.

-Guest post by Adria Cooper

Adria Cooper is a communications/social media volunteer with Ballard Food Bank. A life-long Ballard resident and student at Ballard High School, she is looking forward to becoming the Features Editor of The Talisman, BHS’s student newspaper, in the 2020-2021 school year.

Ballard Food Bank